Sustainable development


Airport Carbon Accreditation

Management’s commitment

Faced with the historical challenges of the Airport (complex competitive environment) combined with the challenges that have recently emerged and which affect the aviation sector as a whole (health crisis and intensification of climate issues), the Airport Management is committed to deploying a new strategy. Considering that the current crises are prompting us to rethink our development priorities and reinvent ourselves, this strategy is based on a considerable strengthening of our environmental and societal commitments.Strasbourg Airport plans, operates and develops the airport platform with the constant concern to control the effects of its activity on the environment, as shown by the ISO 14001 certification of our environmental management system, an approach broken down into eight areas of action: noise, air, waste, water, resources, soil, natural environments and environmental policy.Climate and energy issues must now become a key part of the environmental management system. There are many projects to be carried out and Strasbourg Airport’s commitment to the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) process is a key element: it will enable the implementation of a greenhouse gas emissions management system.The management is thus committed to identifying, optimising and then reducing Strasbourg Airport’s greenhouse gas emissions within the framework of the ACA programme and the determined schedule.These emissions are directly linked to the infrastructure and services provided to customers and partners (buildings, energy production and distribution, vehicles). The management is therefore committed to two complementary objectives:

  • Improving the energy performance of buildings by reducing the associated greenhouse gas emissions;
  • To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the use of vehicles, by promoting good practice, offering users alternative modes of transport and increasing the proportion of electric vehicles on the platform.

Letter of commitment


Strasbourg Airport continues to seek a balance between economic growth, society’s expectations and environmental protection, in accordance with the three main principles of sustainable development. We plan, operate and develop our airport with the aim of integrating it harmoniously into our environment by pursuing our development policy, combining aeronautical activities, environmental protection and respect for the living environment of local residents. Being attentive to nature and people is the basis of a voluntary and recognised approach to environmental protection and territorial integration.

Our global environmental protection policy has been in place since 1 January 2001 for the activities of the airport platform included in the concession. We are continuing and reinventing our commitment to the environment through our fifth environmental charter. This charter, implemented over a period of 5 years, reflects our desire to continue to control our environmental impacts and thus perpetuate the actions undertaken during the previous charters in the various fields of noise, air, water, biodiversity, resources and waste, which are priority issues for our company;

In 2021, following the health crisis, we have profoundly reorganised ourselves to reinvent our commitment to the fight against global warming. Our raison d’être, enshrined in the company’s articles of association, has been defined as follows:
✓ To strengthen the air accessibility of the European capital ;
✓ To ensure, together with our employees, quality services to our customers and to operate the airport platform in an efficient and responsible manner;
✓ To develop the sustainable airport of tomorrow, reconciling the challenges of sustainable mobility and multimodality, reduction of the environmental footprint and climate change, economic development of the territory, human development and social cohesion.
Our environmental policy is systematically reviewed every five years, the latest of which covers the period 2016-2020
To achieve our objectives, we rely on new strategic axes approved by the Supervisory Board in December 2020:
Safely operate the airport by ensuring our customers’ satisfaction
✓ Develop the connectivity of the territory, the air accessibility of the European capital and promote the emergence of efficient and sustainable intermodal solutions
✓ Create sustainable value for our customers and accelerate the adaptation of the airport’s business model to the consequences of the health crisis and the challenges of tomorrow
✓ Improve the environmental performance of the hub and strengthen our social responsibility

During the period 2021-2025, our aim is to bring these defining values to life through a series of initiatives and new measures and which concern both our staff and our customers.
Our policy consists of eight themes:

  • Combating climate change,
  • Limiting noise pollution,
  • Air quality,
  • Energy efficiency and conservation,
  • Responsible management of water resources,
  • Optimisation of waste management,
  • Protection and preservation of biodiversity,
  • GREEN iT and digital sobriety.

Environmental charterownloads as PDF



   Téléchargez – Rapport environnement 2023


   Téléchargez – Rapport environnement 2022


   Téléchargez – Rapport environnement 2021



The principal mission of the Risk management and certifications department of Strasbourg Airport is to develop and implement the airport’s environmental policy in accordance with the programme established in the Environment Charter.


Presentation of various consultative bodies and their missions


The members of the Commission Consultative de l’Environnement (Consultative Commission on the Environment) are divided into three colleges, each comprising nine full members and nine deputy members.

  • Local Authorities (representatives of the Region of Alsace, the Department of Bas-Rhin, the Eurometropole and municipalities affected by noise)
  • Aviation Professions (representatives of airport personnel, airport users and Strasbourg Airport)
  • Associations (representatives of environmental protection organisations and community associations)

The permanent committee of the Consultative Commission on the Environment is composed of:

  • Three full members and three deputy members chosen from the College of Local Authorities
  • Three full members and three deputy members chosen from the College of Aviation Professions
  • Three full members and three deputy members chosen from the College of Associations

The Director of the Civil Aviation Authority (North East), the Regional Director of the Environment, Development and Housing and the Departmental Director of the Territories also attend the meetings, but are not entitled to vote. The Commission is chaired by the Prefect of Bas-Rhin or by his/her representative. Strasbourg Airport is responsible for secretarial duties.

The Consultative Commission on the Environment is consulted on all major issues relating to the impact of operations in zones affected by noise pollution. And, more generally, it is informed of the progress of the actions in the Environment Charter.



SYstème de Mesure du Bruit, d’Information et d’Observation de Strasbourg Entzheim

Strasbourg Airport has an automatic system for monitoring noise and following flight paths in the vicinity of the airport. This system is called SYMBIOSE, SYstème de Mesure du Bruit, d’Information et d’Observation de Strasbourg–Entzheim (System for the Measurement of Noise, Information and Observation of Strasbourg-Entzheim); it has been in operation since 1 January 2002 and was fully modernised in 2012.

SYMBIOSE comprises three fixed stations and one mobile station linked to an analysis system, which correlates the noise information measured and recorded with radar information about the flights from the Civil Aviation Authority (North East). When the noise incident is caused by an aeroplane, cross-referencing of the data allows the precise identification of the machine that triggered the incident.

SYMBIOSE Monthly Bulletins:

A monthly information bulletin is sent to the members of the Consultative Commission on the Environment.

A valuable tool for dialogue, the content of this bulletin complies with the recommendations of the Autorité de Contrôle des Nuisances Aéroportuaires (ACNUSA) (Authority for Airport Noise Control) and is revised in response to its readers’ observations. As a result, two versions of the SYMBIOSE monthly bulletin have been published since August 2013, one relating to aircraft based at Strasbourg-Entzheim and the other relating to commercial flights.

These bulletins are primarily a transparent response to questions from residents and a tool for monitoring aircraft noise, as part of the Airport’s Environmental Policy.

In accordance with its commitments, the airport responds to specific requests from residents, as the system used allows it to provide information on a noise incident or flight that made a noticeable impression.

Download the SYMBIOSE bulletins :

January  2025

December 2024

November 2024

October 2024

September 2024

August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

October 2022

September 2022

August 2022

July 2022


Memorandum of Understanding:

A new memorandum of understanding “for the sustainable development of the airport, in the service of the regional economy, in respect of residents’ quality of life” was signed on December 2019.

Download the Memorandum of Understanding

A summary of flights occurring between 23:00 and 06:00 (hours defined in the Memorandum of Understanding) is produced monthly in the SYMBIOSE bulletins.


TMO Grand Est monitors and studies the air quality in Alsace. Its quadripartite Management Board includes representatives from the State, local authorities, principal emitters in Alsace, organisations for environmental and consumer protection and qualified persons.

The close partnership between ATMO Grand Est and the Airport has resulted in particular in the implementation of specific studies on site and in the vicinity of the airport since 2000.

Air Quality Measurement Campaigns

ATMO Grand Est has run a measurement campaign every year, which for the last few years has alternated between a winter campaign and a summer campaign.

Passive tubes are installed in the airport and in neighbouring municipalities to capture pollutants, i.e. NO2, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), and particles (PM10, PM2.5).

A report is produced following winter and summer measurement campaigns, which can be downloaded below.

These various reports demonstrate the limited influence of airport activities on the surrounding communities and show that regulatory limits were not exceeded during the measurement campaigns.

Campaign Reports




n September 2002, Strasbourg Airport implemented the collective and selective management of Ordinary Industrial Waste. This system, called STEED, Service de Tri Écologique et Économique des Déchets (Environmental and Economical Waste Sorting Service) offers producers the means to sort Ordinary Industrial Waste at source. Waste collected includes paper/cardboard, household waste and plastic films. The collection system also offers solutions for producers of various types of Hazardous Industrial Waste: door-to-door collection of mixed hazardous waste and used oils; door-to-door collection of light sources from major producers and centralised services for small producers provided by Airport services; voluntary return points for batteries, etc.

Collection guides for ordinary and hazardous industrial waste are available to help users in sorting their waste.

Download the STEED Collection Guide

Download the Hazardous Waste Collection Guide

Quarterly STEED information bulletins provide regular information on the system’s performance:

N° 40 – July- December 2020

N° 41 – January – June 2021

N° 42 – July- Décember 2021

N° 43 – January – June 2022

N° 44 – July- December 2022

N° 45 – January- June 2023

N° 46 – July- December 2023

N° 47 – January- June 2024